Saturday, 10 November 2007

#472 - Track down Eine's A to Z

Timeout said:
Eine is the artist responsible for the colourful giant letters painted on various shop shutters around east London. What started a couple of years ago with the notion that it would be pretty funny to paint two giant Es on Kingsland Road's Herbal club, has grown into a phenomenon, complete with numerous webpages devoted to tracking his whole alphabet down.

Dave did:
I'm a keen artist, or at least I enjoy the concept of art and tried really hard back at school to be good at it!

Unfortunately this passion (however poorly applied to paper) was not supported by my father, who when finding out I intended to take an Scottish 6th Year Study course in art replied "Why do you want an advanced degree in colouring in?"

And so my potential art career fell apart at the seams. Since then however, I have found the wonderful world of photography, and part of this challenge has allowed me to embellish this interest further on a part time basis (I wouldn't take the shots on this blog as being my best however...mainly cause I'm in every single one...but check out for better proof of my 'unfound talent').

When I read Thing 472 regarding Eine's alphabet, I thought it was a brilliant challenge. To head out to London's east end and track down graffitti (notice that by the end of this post I will have attempted every variation of spelling grafiti...). In some respects I find grafitti one of the most beautiful and intriguing forms of art, much like Escher's work. For a start as far as I can tell, these creations are totally formed from the use of a spray can - and how they get those straight solid lines without a stencil of some sort I'll never know! Secondly, I simply cant fathom how someone can envisage these grafitti images and then bring them to life on canvas...or a brick wall as the case may be.

Unfortunately I don't live around the East of London, and so being in the area when the shops are most likely to be shut is a tad difficult on my part to arrange. As fate would have it however, a works night out with my team saw me around the area and I came across a few of the letters....

I still intend to find the rest, so stay tuned.

46 down...954 Things to go!

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