Sunday, 29 July 2007

#110 - Ride the DLR in the front carriage

Timeout said:

Push the kids out the way and pretend that you're the driver. Because kids don't know how to drive trains

Dave did:

After a lovely meal in the rain at West India Quay, I decided to take the DLR back home...again something I haven't done before!

The first challenge was to work out which direction the train would be coming from (as it was nightfall working out which way south was proved difficult from the DLR platform!).

Well all I can say is I rode in the front carriage IF the train had been going in the opposite direction! As it turned out I had gambled on the wrong end of the platform and so sat quietly by myself at the front carriage that was going backwards! I'm sure the experience was just the same as if moving forwards, and if anything how many people can say they've ridden at the very back?

17 down...983 Things to go!

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